Simple Acne Prevention Tips From Leading Dermatologists

Most people think acne is a facial thing, but it is often a shoulder thing or a butt thing, as well. It still needs to be treated no matter where it is. Use the tips from this article, to help you get clear skin.

Tea tree oil applied to acne prone spots can help keep your skin clear. It is natural and it doesn’t dry out your skin, so it is a great way to reduce the oil that builds up in the pores of your face.

People who suffer from acne often have the urge to pop their infected pores. Although popping these areas is not the best option, doing it with dirty hands only worsens the condition. If you are going to pop a zit, wash your hands and fingernails thoroughly to prevent more bacteria from getting into the pore. This will leave a scar or mark where the popped whitehead was. If you follow this advice, there should be fewer and less severe breakouts.

Avoid acne by using clean pillowcases each night. Consider it for a moment. Imagine yourself sleeping in oil and dirt every night. You can keep your pillow ases clean by regularly changing and washing them.

Sunlight can actually be helpful in treating acne. This time in the sun helps dry your skin. When you first start exposing your skin to the sun, you might break out, because the oil will be moving to the surface. Within a week or two, though, your skin will adjust to its new conditions and break out less.

It can help to calm acne by not using makeup for awhile or trying a different type, such as a water-based foundation. Popular thinking says acne should be covered with foundation to make it look better; however, this will only make things worse by clogging the pores. Keeping your face clean and fresh for a while, can help bring your acne back under control.

As previously discussed, acne can appear on your neck, chest and back, as well as your face. By reviewing the information provided here, you will be able to utilize the correct treatment to get rid of it. By continuing to use proper treatment, your acne will soon be gone.

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