How To Get The Kids Involved In Training The New Dog

Dogs of all breeds think the same way. Before you begin training any dog, it’s important that you understand this mind-frame and learn to mold your training around that aspect. This article contains some universal dog training techniques that clue humans in on canine thought.

Use small steps when training a dog or pup to get into a crate, so that they can become familiar with it. Once your dog seems to have acclimated to the crate itself, close the gate and feeding him through it. Start with short times numbering in mere seconds, and increase the intervals gradually. If your dog becomes restless, you may be ramping up too quickly.

When you do give your dog correction verbally, make those corrections short, sharp and to the point. Don’t rant on to the dog about the thinks that he did wrong. Just say no, then show it what to do instead. Do not scream, but rather use a loud and firm voice so they understand that you are serious.

Try to mistakenly avoid reinforcing any behaviors that are unwanted when doing dog training. This means that you should never reward your dog, with treats or attention, for doing something you’re trying to train it out of. This includes things like petting them when they jump on you at the door.

When you meet an unfamiliar dog, you should go up to him slowly and allow him to sniff your hand. This gives the dog an opportunity to learn your scent. Dogs that know your smell are less likely to fear you and more likely to obey commands.

Treats, affection and lots of patience are required for successful dog training. The ideas above are sure to pave the way toward a lasting, rewarding friendship between you and your pet. It takes time, but consistency and patience will see you through to a positive end.

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